Owing Money To Creditors Does Not Mean You Should Live Your Life In Fear

When people are in debt and owe money they tend to doubt themselves. That’s why some debt collectors use scare tactics. They are trying to build doubt in yourself within your own mind. In essence, they are trying to convince you that you need to pay off your debt or else you will get in trouble. The fact of the matter is that you will not get in any trouble. Debt collectors can’t arrest you or have you arrested. That being stated, they can sue you in a court of law, and if you fail to show up for the court case a warrant for your arrest may be issued.

Debt collectors can’t contact your boss and tell them that they should fire you because you are not a responsible person based on your credit. Debt collectors can’t contact you neighbors to tell them that you don’t pay your bills. Debt collectors can’t contact your family or friends in order to stir the pot so you’ll call them back. Debt collectors are not allowed to swear at you on the phone, through emails, or text messages. In fact, debt collectors are not allowed to treat you as if you are a worthless human being.

Debt collectors are not even allowed to contact you after you officially inform them that you no longer want to be contacted. It should be noted that you still owe the debt even if the debt collector is no longer contacting you about it. Chances are high that they will either sue you in a court of law, or sell the account to another debt collector. If they sell the account to another debt collector the process may start all over again. The good news is that you have rights.

Debt collectors are not allowed to commit debt harassment in any shape or form, yet many do. Do you want to know why some debt collectors continue to partake in activities that are considered debt harassment by the federal government? It’s due to the fact that most debt collectors that partake in illegal debt collection practices actually get away with it. The reason that they are getting away with it on a daily basis is because far too many consumers are completely unaware that they have rights that were created in order to protect them. That means you no longer need to have doubts about yourself, or even live in fear from a debt collector.

Contact Debt Collection Lawyer

If you feel that you are being treated unfairly by a creditor or collection agency, please contact us immediately. Legal Rights Advocates, Inc. is a consumer advocate law firm that focuses on consumer rights protection services across the Unites States. We have well over twenty-five (25) years of combined experience helping consumers that are experiencing Debt Collector Harassment, Social Security Disability issues, and a whole lot more. LRA is truly your consumer rights advocate. We take great pride in the fact that our job is to protect you from deceptive and or abusive debt collection practices.

LRA is an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau, and we have well over 500 Five Star Rating Reviews online from across the United States. Our goal is to assist you each and every step of the way regarding your rights for consumer protection. Please call us today for more information at 855-254-7841 or click here to visit our website. We look forward to working with you.

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