5 Ways That People Waste Money

Did you know that you are probably wasting a significant amount of your hard earned money? To make matters worse, you may very well be doing this on a daily basis. Most people spend money on things that they really don’t need and or spend money on daily habits. In fact, it can add up to thousands of dollars on a yearly basis. Just imagine what you could do with an extra $2,000-$10,000 plus. The good news is that you can stop the unnecessary spending as long as you are in tune with it. The following information will provide you with five (5) ways that people waste money.

Buying Cups Of Coffee

For many people, buying a cup of coffee is a daily ritual. Some people buy multiple cups of coffee throughout the day. If your favorite coffee shop charges you $3 per cup and you buy one per day that equals $90/month or $1,080 per year. Now multiply that by the amount of cups of coffee you purchase on a daily basis. Don’t forget to add in extra items such as donuts, bagels, and breakfast sandwiches. You can save thousands of dollars per year by making your coffee at home, and or drinking the office coffee.

Smoking Cigarettes

It goes without saying that smoking cigarettes is a hazardous to your healthy. It’s also hazardous to your finances. Due to heavy taxes, cigarettes can cost upwards of $10 per pack in some parts of the country. That means if you smoke one (1) pack per day it’s costing you $300 on a monthly basis, and $3,600 on a yearly basis. You can double those numbers if you smoke two (2) packs per day.

Buying Lottery Scratch Tickets

As the old saying goes, “you can’t win if you don’t play.” Although that may be true, buying lottery scratch tickets is typically a losing proposition. For example, if you purchase one (1) $5 scratch ticket on a daily basis, you are spending $150 per month or $1,800 peer year. Now add up your yearly winnings from scratch tickets. Chances are extremely high that your yearly winnings are far less than $1,800. That means you are losing and wasting money.

Throwing Away Beverage Bottles And Cans

Most states have a beverage bottle and aluminum can redemption policy. That means it costs you $0.05 to $0.10 every time you purchase a bottle or can of soda and beer. However, some people throw their bottles and cans in the trash instead of redeeming them. Think about it this way. When you break a dollar do you throw away the nickels and dimes? Of course you don’t. So why are you throwing away your beverage bottles and cans?

Buying Lunch During The Week

If you work outside of the home and buy lunch everyday, you are wasting a significant amount of money each week. Even fast food has become expensive, not to mention it’s incredibly unhealthy. If you spend $15 on lunch five days per week that’s costing you $75/week, $300/month, and $3,600 per year. Your best bet is to bring your lunch to work.

If you feel that you are being treated unfairly by a creditor or collection agency, the good news is that you can do something to stop it. Your days of those harassing phone calls, letters, emails, and text messages can be over. You just need to go about it the right way. Your Legal Rights Advocates is a 5 Star Nationally ranked consumer based law firm that specializes in helping consumers who are experiencing Debt Collection Harassment, Social Security Disability issues, and a whole lot more. Please call us today for more information at 855-254-7841 or visit our website. We look forward to working with you.

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