
5 Ways To Put More Cash In Your Pocket

It goes without saying that the current economy in the United States is making it difficult for some people to survive let alone thrive from a financial standpoint. You may have lost your job and the unemployment check just isn’t cutting it. You may have had your hours cut down to the point that you simply cannot afford to pay all of your bills and expenses. Even people that are not currently experiencing a dire situation can always use some extra money in order to make life easier. So without further ado, here are five (5) way to put more cash in your pocket.

Start A Side Hustle

Side hustles are great for people that need some extra money each month and have the time to work a second job. However, a side hustle is different than a second job based on the fact that you in essence a freelancer. Even though you don’t own the company, you are basically your own boss that gets to choose how much you want to work, when you want to work, and how much you want to earn. There are a plethora of side hustle opportunities available, simply look up “side hustles” on the Internet to see the options.

Get A Part Time Job

A second job or part time job is another great way to put more cash in your pocket each month. The good news is that there are plenty of part time jobs to choose from. Part time jobs are steadier than side hustles, but you have less control over your schedule. For example, you are expected to work specific hours per week as assigned by a manager when working a part time job. Typically speaking, your paycheck will be the same each pay period.

Make Money From Your Hobby

Did you know that you could actually make money based on your hobby? This holds especially true if you collect things. In essence, there are other collectors out there that may be willing to pay you good money for items in your collection. Some people profit greatly from this. For example, sports card collecting is all the rage these days. In fact, some sports cards are gaining in value on a daily basis. That means if you have a sports card collection and are willing to part with certain cards, you may very well be able to cash in.

Ask Your Boss For More Hours

If you need more hours at work in order to make ends meet, or to have a bit of a financial cushion, simply ask your boss for it. The worst that he or she can say is no. Most workers are afraid to ask because they fear being rejected, which is silly. Keep in mind that it never hurts to ask. You may even find that your boss will say yes and give you those extra hours at work. As the old saying goes, “the squeaky wheel gets the oil.”

Return/Redeem Bottles And Cans

Most states have a bottle/can return policy in place. That means you are actually paying an extra 5-10 cents per every bottle or can of soft drink or beer that you purchase. Why not get that cash back by redeeming all of those bottles and cans instead of throwing them away. When it comes to putting more cash in your pocket, every little bit helps. An easy way to start is by putting your empty bottles and cans into a separate trash bag. When the trash bag is full, go to your local redemption center and return them.

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