Debt collectors and collection agents will basically tell you anything that they think will make you pay the debt that you owe them. In fact, it is there job to get as much money out of you as possible until you have paid off your balance in its entirety. That’s how they make their living, which means they will even resort to telling flat out lies. The good news is that if you are able to separate the truth from the fiction, they will not be able to take advantage of you. The following information will help you accomplish just that. So without further ado, here are the top five (5) lies that debt collects tell in order to collect money from you.
They Plan To Inform Your Family, Friends, Boss, Co-Workers & Neighbors About Your Debt
Debt collectors are great at playing with people’s emotions in order to manipulate them into paying the debt. One tactic they use is to threaten to embarrass you. They may even lie and tell you that they will be calling your family, friends, boss, co-workers, and neighbors in order to talk about your debt. They cannot do that because it’s against the law. The bottom line is that debt collectors are not allowed to provide any information about your finances or debt to your family, friends, boss, co-workers, neighbors or anyone else.
They Plan To Garnish Your Wages If You Don’t Pay The Debt Right Away
If a debt collector threatens to garnish your wages or have your wages garnished unless you pay them immediately, it is a downright lie. They simply do not have the authority or the power to do this. Only a court of law can garnish your wages for failure to pay your debt to a debtor.
They Will Have You Arrested Unless You Make A Payment Or Pay Off The Balance Today
Debt collectors will lie and tell you that they will have you arrested unless you make a payment or even pay off the entire balance immediately. Once again, they simply do not have the authority or the power to do this. In fact, you can only be arrested, regarding this matter, if the debt collector sues you in a court of law and you fail to appear in court.
They Can Contact You Whenever They Want
If a debt collector calls you before the hour of 8 AM and or after the hour of 9 PM and inform you that they can call you whenever they want, they are flat out lying. In fact, federal law clearly states that debt collectors are not allowed to do this. However, it is a well-known fact that some debt collectors will call you at all hours of the day and evening in order to harass you into paying them.
They Can Contact You At Work
Last but certainly not least, if a debt collector calls you at work simply inform him or her that you do not want to receive calls at your place of employment. According to federal law, they are no longer allowed to do it. However, many debt collectors will lie and tell you that it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to receive calls at work; they are allowed to do it anyway.
If you feel that you are being treated unfairly by a creditor or collection agency, the good news is that you can do something to stop it. Your days of those harassing phone calls, letters, emails, and text messages can be over. You just need to go about it the right way. Your Legal Rights Advocates is a 5 Star Nationally ranked consumer based law firm that specializes in helping consumers who are experiencing Debt Collection Harassment, Social Security Disability issues, and a whole lot more. Please call us today for more information at 855-254-7841 or visit our website. We look forward to working with you.