If you owe a debt to a debt collector or collection agency than you need to be aware of a recent rule that will soon allow these companies to contact you on social media, and through email and text messaging. This of course is in addition to the ways in which debt collectors were always allowed to contact people such as your home phone, work phone, and cell phone. Let’s not forget about the fact that debt collectors were always allowed to send you letters and other correspondence through the mail.
The exact nature of how and when debt collectors can contact you through social media, emails, and text messages is being worked out, however you need to aware that it is something that will be happening in 2021. There is some good news to report though. Although debt collectors will soon have a variety of ways to contact you in order to attempt to collect a debt that you owe them, they will need to follow a strict set of rules and regulations. That means debt collectors will not be allowed to harass you. It will be similar to the debt harassment rules that are already in place.
For example, debt collectors are only allowed to call you between the hours of 8 am and 9 pm. They are not allowed to call your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, or anyone else for that matter in order to discuss a debt that you owe. In addition, debt collectors are not currently allowed to threaten you in any way. Debt collectors are not allowed to brow beat you or bully you into paying a debt that you owe. The bottom line is that debt collectors must show consideration towards you and be respectful at all times during all communications.
If they fail to do this, it is considered to be debt harassment. If you are a target of debt harassment, than you may be entitled to sue the debt collection agency in a court of law for damages. That means you may actually be paid for the pain and suffering that has occurred due to being harassed by a debt collector. Even though debt collectors will soon be able to contact you through more ways, they will still be held accountable for debt harassment. However, there will still be some debt collectors that target people with debt harassment tactics because they believe that they will get away with it.
If you don’t know that what they are doing is wrong, you will probably assume that they are only doing their jobs no matter how hurtful that can be. So if you receive any electronic messages from a debt collector on your computer, tablet, or smartphone that include any threats, it will most likely be considered debt harassment. If you are receiving electronic messages from a debt collector at all hours of the day and night, it will most likely be considered debt harassment. If your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, or contacts are receiving electronic messages about your debt it will most likely be considered debt harassment.
Just because debt collectors will be able to make contact through electronic based methods, which make their jobs easier, it does not eliminate your rights to be treated fairly. Debt harassment is an incredibly serious issue that affects millions of American consumers on a daily basis. When people are suffering from debt harassment it can lead to issues at home and at work. For example, when you are the target of debt harassment it can easily make you feel desperate, which of course can easily lead to depression. In the minimum debt harassment causes stress, and stress is not good for your overall health.
People who suffer from stress can end up having both mental and physical issues such as headaches, stomachaches, and depression to name a few. Yes, you owe the debt and at some point you will do the right thing and make good on it. However, until that time you deserve to live a life free of debt harassment. You certainly don’t need to live your life feeling as if you are a deadbeat. You need to keep in mind that bad things happen to good people.
If you are suffering from debt harassment at the hands of a debt collector or collections agency please contact your Legal Rights Advocates ASAP! We will take great care of you and help to ensure that the debt harassment stops immediately.