Did you know that the new administration is pro consumer? That is good news for people who owe debt and are receiving phone calls from debt collectors. In essence, the new leaders of the government in the United States will most likely make it more difficult for debt collectors to do their jobs, or at least get away with certain tactics that are considered to be debt collection harassment. The outgoing administration actually made it easier for debt collectors to get away with debt collection harassment because they took a more pro bank stance.
That means they actually got rid of some of the laws that were in place to protect consumers from the abusive practices that some debt collectors use in order to attempt to collect debt. Hopefully those days are over and the new government will bring back the stricter laws and harsher penalties for debt collectors that bully and even mentally abuse millions of people across the country on a daily basis. Big business is out of control, and now something may be done about it. You deserve to live your life without being harassed everyday by debt collectors.
You deserve to live your life in peace, or as much peace as possible. Life is stressful enough. It’s difficult to make money in these trying times. People are losing their jobs left and right. A great deal of small businesses are going out of business. That makes it incredibly difficult for hard working American’s to make a living. You may very well be worried about paying your mortgage o rent, which means you may be worried about being homeless in the near future. If you are in this situation you’re certainly not alone.
Many people are worried about being homeless. You may be worried about being able to afford enough food to feed yourself and or your family on a daily basis. The same thing holds true for hundred of thousands of people across the country. Times are tough to say he least. It is completely understandable if you fell behind on your bills and now have accounts that are in collection. The good news is that you can settle those accounts when you are back on your feet. If you are struggling to pay for housing and food those past due bills should be on the back burner.
However, the collection agencies certainly do not look at it that way. They simply want to collect the money that you owe as soon as possible. Most debt collectors could care less that you’re in a difficult financial situation. Some debt collectors will stoop so low as to try to take advantage of your current situation by making threats that scare people into making the payments or even paying the entire balance off in full. These types of debt collectors could care less if you need that money for food and shelter. The good news is that when debt collectors contact you and make threats they are actually committing debt collection harassment, which is against the law.
Debt collectors are not allowed to threaten you in any way. They are not allowed to scare you into paying the money that you owe. Debt collectors are not allowed to treat you unfairly in any way. That being stated, many debt collectors will take part in debt collection harassment tactics because they know that they will most likely get away with it. You can put a stop to that today. First and foremost, if a debt collector makes a scary threat do not believe them. Simply hang up the phone. If a debt collector talks down to you or makes you feel as if you are a bad person for not paying your bills, simply hang up on them. You do not need to put up with the mental abuse.
You do not need to put up with the debt collection harassment. You need to know that the worst thing a debt collector can do to you is sue you in a court of law. In many situations it may be a small courts claim depending on the amount of money that you owe. We’re certainly not saying that being sued in a court of law is not scary. However, we are here to help. In fact, we will guide you through each and every step of the process. If you find yourself in a situation where you’re a victim of debt harassment, or being sued in a court of law by a debt collector, please contact us ASAP.
Your Legal Rights Advocates has the knowledge and experience to help you in the best manner possible.