Steps to Stop Debt Collector Harassment can be overwhelming. Owing money to a debt collector is an awful feeling. You know that whenever the phone rings it could be them trying to collect money from you. If you had the money to pay them in the first place you would have already done so. We fully realize that it is far more important to take care of the basic living requirements first such as shelter, food, and clothing. We also fully understand that the economy has been out of whack in recent times due to the Covid Outbreak in 2020. Good, hard working families are in trouble from a financial standpoint all across the country.
If you find yourself in the unpleasant situation of owning past due money to a debt collection agency we can help. This holds especially true if the debt collect agencies are committing collector harassment. In essence, that means they are using underhanded tactics that are against the law in order to force you to pay them. If you are victim of collector harassment, we have some good news to share with you. You can take steps to stop the abuse. The very first thing you should do is contact us immediately if you are being harassed by a debt collector.
We will help make the harassment stop. We may also be able to help you sue the debt collector for the damages that their harassment has caused you. If you are unsure if you need to stop debt harassment here are a few examples. If a debt collector calls you and makes any threats they are committing debt harassment. Some, not all debt collectors will call you and threaten to have your wages garnished unless you pay them what you owe them. Some debt collectors may even use such low brow tactics that they will threaten to have you arrested unless you pay them ASAP.
The worst of the worst will make physical threats to harm you and or threaten to have your children taken away for being a deadbeat. Here’s the bottom line. Debt collectors have no power to garnish your wages. They have no power to have you arrested for not paying your debt. They have no power to have your children removed from your home for being a deadbeat. Not only do they not have any power whatsoever, they are breaking the law for even making the threats.
Debt collectors cannot physically touch you in any manner. They are not even allowed to treat you with anything less than respect when contacting you. If you need to stop debt harassment please call or email Your Legal Rights Advocates today.