Receiving Harassing Calls From 515-954-7693?

If you’ve been receiving calls from 515-954-7693, you might be dealing with CBE Group, a debt collection agency. While these agencies have the right to contact you about outstanding debts, they do not have the right to harass you.

Debt harassment occurs when a collection agency like CBE Group uses aggressive tactics, such as frequent calls, threats, or abusive language, to pressure you into paying a debt. If CBE Group is making you feel uncomfortable or threatened through calls from 515-954-7693, it’s time to take action.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law that protects you from harassment by debt collectors like CBE Group. Under this law, you can request that the agency stop contacting you, dispute the debt, or even take legal action if they violate your rights.
If you believe you are being harassed by CBE Group through calls from 515-954-7693, start by documenting every call. Keep track of the dates, times, and nature of each interaction. This record will be crucial if you decide to file a complaint or pursue legal action.
Remember, you don’t have to tolerate harassment. If CBE Group continues to harass you despite your efforts to resolve the situation, you may have the right to sue them for damages. Stand up for your rights and don’t let a debt collector overstep their bounds.

Other Possible CBE Group Phone Numbers

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