
Personal Injury Settlements And SSDI: Can I Receive Both In Massachusetts?

Imagine a situation where you applied for, and finally received, approval for SSDI. However, after this, you get involved in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence. As a result, the negligent party opts for a personal injury settlement and you receive a lump sum of money.

Now, what happens to your SSDI benefits? The good news is that SSDI does not get affected by a personal injury settlement.

How Do You Receive Personal Injury Settlement In Massachusetts?

If you get injured in your car or slip and fall on someone’s property due to another’s negligence, you are still entitled to personal injury compensation.

Under Massachusetts laws, car drivers are expected to have a certain minimal coverage, including personal injury protection, bodily injury to others, damage to others’ property, etc. Coverage on these counts means the insurance company will pay for these claims up to an amount.

Additionally, under the Massachusetts law, there is a ‘no-fault’ system applied to insurance claims involving car accidents. An individual needs to apply for compensation from their insurance company and can turn to the other person and their insurance company only if certain legal requirements are met.

There are certain exceptions to this:

  • On incurring minimum of $2000 in medical expenses
  • On incurring serious medical injuries that may become permanent or result in disfigurement

SSDI And Personal Injury: The Difference

Applying for SSDI involves an application process through the local Social Security Administration office. Because the SSDI is a federally-administered benefits program for the disabled, it is governed by stringent screening and only those who qualify for SSDI are granted benefits.

Personal injury settlement, on the other hand, is an agreement where two individuals or parties acknowledge negligence and proceed to compensate for it by way of paying out a sum of money that is agreed upon and which mostly involves an insurance provider.

Can They Co-Exist?

SSDI benefits and a personal injury settlement need not clash. They can coexist.

As an applicant for SSDI benefits, you need to prove your disability. This proof can also help you in your fight for your personal injury settlement.

A personal injury settlement will help you cover immediate costs, including vehicle repair, in case of an accident, medical injury bills, etc., while the SSDI benefits are what will take you through your near future and the prospect of long-term loss in income and livelihood. As a result, not only does personal injury co-exist with SSDI benefits, there is no influence on the amount of money you receive as part of a personal injury settlement.

SSDI benefits are designed to cover the long term, including post-retirement period, as well as support for immediate dependents, provided legal conditions and terms are met.

Contact A Professional

Ideally, an individual is best guided by a professional advocate or lawyer who understands personal injury better. This helps in two ways: understanding the situation and your options and addressing the options in the best possible manner.

Whether or not you are already a recipient of SSDI benefits, applying for personal injury is an option you still have in Massachusetts. Contacting a professional can help you understand your case and outline your options, depending on the complexity of your case.

Options also include gauging how much the negligent or offending party is willing to extend a settlement. If the settlement case seems to be skewed against you, a professional stands a better chance of conducting the fight on your behalf.

About Us:

Legal Rights Advocates, PLLC is a law firm that helps clients who are facing issues related to professional injury settlement or SSDI applications . Our team of attorneys, over the years, has helped countless clients understand both these claims better, guided them on the application process, and helped them win largely successful outcomes.

If you are interested in learning more about how to apply for SSDI benefits or apply for a personal injury settlement, call us at (855) 254-7841 for immediate assistance.

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