
Checklist for Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits

SSDI or Social Security Disability Insurance is a federal financial aid program which provides aid to individuals who are rendered unemployed as a result of a disability. This disability can be long term or short term, but must be serious enough to render working impossible for the affected individual. Because the sheer volume of people applying for SSDI benefits is very high, the program sees a large number of applications, most of which are rejected.

This is why the application for SSDI benefits must be made carefully, so as to increase the chances of acceptance.

Here are 7 vital items you must check off your list when applying for Social Security Disability benefits.

    1. Do your homework on eligibility requirements

The Social Security Administration has a website that lists eligibility and other requirements to qualify for SSDI aid or benefits. SSDI benefits are not paid out for partial disability or any condition that may not withstand the scrutiny of expert examination. Applicants must ascertain that they are eligible for benefits in terms of disability type, duration, taxes paid, years of employment prior to disability, etc. If the website is not accessible, contact a lawyer or professional who understands SSDI.

    1. Understand that even if awarded, the benefits take time to be processed

There is a waiting period after being approved for the benefits. Ensure you have the funds or access to finances to tide you over that period.

    1. Does your work history make you eligible for benefits?

To qualify for SSDI benefits, you need to have put in a certain number of years prior to becoming disabled. This does not include just the recent years before the disability. Typically, in the ten-year period prior to the disability hitting you, you need to have put in at least five years of work.

    1. What is the right time to file for Social Security Disability benefits?

Anybody who suffers from a disability should file for SSDI benefits. SSDI benefits, after acceptance, take time to roll out. This can last anywhere from a month to six months, plus, benefits are not awarded until six months after the date of disability.

    1. What are the documents or papers needed to file a claim?

The first thing you need to do is to provide proof of the disability. This can include medical reports and documents to supplement your claim. In terms of the application, you will need other documents, such as the W-2 forms or equivalent tax documents and papers, birth certificate or birth record, documents of workers’ compensation received, etc.

    1. Make sure you aren’t receiving disability benefits in another form

If, for example, you are getting disability benefits from your employer, you will be ineligible for disability benefits from the SSDI program. You need to ascertain that you meet criteria put down by the SSA to qualify for SSDI benefits.

    1. Seek help from a professional, such as a Social Security Disability Lawyer

Given the high volume of rejection, combined with stringent eligibility criteria, applying for SSDI benefits can prove to be daunting. However, even with the right paperwork and records, chances of your application getting rejected remains high.

When you reach out to a professional, you gain help with your efforts and a boost that is important to sustain in the face of a potential rejection or disheartening outcome. Your lawyer will not just stand with you, he or she will stand for you and help you make a compelling argument that can increase the odds of a win.

At Legal Rights Advocates, PLLC, we believe in helping clients who are facing disability and may or may not have considered applying for SSDI benefits. Our team of attorneys, over the years, has helped countless clients understand the claims process better, speed up SSDI claims where needed, and helped them win largely successful outcomes.

Call us at (855) 254-7841 for immediate assistance or even if you simply want to learn more about how to go about the process of application.

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