
Receiving Social Security Disability Benefits and Unemployment Benefits Simultaneously

If you are wondering about claiming Social Security Disability Benefits and Unemployment Benefits together then you are not alone. Let us address this question by first understanding the difference between Social Security Disability Benefits and Unemployment Benefits.

Social Security Disability Benefits

Social Security Disability Insurance (SDDI) benefits are administered by the Social Security Agency (SSA) of the state you reside in. This is a federal program that administers benefits to individuals who are unable to work for wages due to some sort of medical condition or disability. The basic eligibility criteria for claiming these benefits is that you have worked successfully in the past, and are unable to continue working on medical grounds. The severity of your disability restricting your work abilities is also taken into consideration by the SSA while making a decision on your claim. It can be a long and arduous road to get a decision on your claim from the agency.

SSDI Lawsuit

What are unemployment benefits?

According to the Department of Labor, unemployment benefits are provided “…to eligible workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own, and meet certain other eligibility requirements.” The basic qualification for applying for these benefits is that you should have been employed in the past year or so. You should be actively seeking new employment if you are applying for unemployment benefits. Since these benefits are also administered through the state that you are residing in, you should have worked for the minimum wages as decided by the state. Apply for these benefits as soon as you get unemployed. Contact your state agency for the application process and other details. Alternatively, seek expert legal advice from an attorney who has worked extensively on SSDI claims.

Can I receive both SSDI benefits and unemployment benefits at the same time?

The short answer to this question is ‘yes’. However, it is not a very easy task as the basic requirement for SSDI is that you have a disability that stops you from seeking employment. On the other hand, unemployment benefits are provided to those who have no source of income while they are looking for new employment. The situation thus is murky if you are applying for both at the same time. If you are applying for unemployment benefits while receiving social security disability and unemployment figures out that you are unable to seek employment due to your disability, you may have to pay back all the amount that you have received to the state. Additionally, you may be faced with charges for withholding information and committing fraud. Be smart and maximize your chance of getting the right benefits by hiring a Social Security Disability attorney.

Proposed Changes to Social Security Disability and Unemployment Benefits laws

A new bill proposing changes towards the social security disability and unemployment benefits laws was introduced in Congress in 2015. The proposal was to curb people from claiming both SSDI and unemployment benefits simultaneously. Seek professional help for updated information on any changes within the SSDI laws and benefits by working with an ace attorney from our firm. See how these changes affect your chances of getting the benefits.

Allow us to navigate this for you by calling and scheduling an appointment with one of our attorneys specializing in SSDI benefits. (855) 254-7841 is where you can reach us and set up your free consultation.

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