Did you know that people with bad credit are wasting money each and everyday? Although this statement may sound a bit harsh, it is absolutely true. That’s why it is important to know your credit score. This is due to the fact that you are paying much higher interest rates when you borrow money when compared to people with good credit. For example, if you’re approved for a mortgage to buy or refinance a house, your interest rate will be higher than your neighbors. That means you are paying more money each month because a higher interest rate equals a bigger monthly payment.
In essence, that is wasting money. The reason that people with bad credit are willing to take mortgage loans with higher interest rates is because they have no other choice. It’s either buy or refi with a high interest rate loan, or do not buy or refinance. The same holds true with any other type of loan. If you are approved, and a great deal of people with bad credit are simply turned down for most loans, you will be paying more money each month for that loan due to the higher interest rate. Once again, that is wasting money. Credit cards are in the same boat.
People with bad credit are only approved for credit cards that have incredibly high interest rates. So whenever you make a purchase with a high interest rate credit card, you are throwing money out of the window. The high interest rate directly reflects in your monthly payment, meaning it costs you more money every month. Now is the time to stop wasting money. You can do something about your bad credit. The solution is called credit repair. When you have your credit fixed by a professional credit repair agency they will work on your behalf to ensure that any mistakes that appear on your credit report are disputed with the three (3) main credit bureaus.
They will also help you by working with your creditors to settle over due and past due balances. These are actions that you need in order to raise your credit scores to the point that you will eventually have great credit. There is absolutely zero need for you to continue wasting money by making payments on high interest rate loans and credit cards. That’s not to say you should stop making payments. Do just the opposite. Keep paying your bills. When you have good credit you can start applying for loans and credit cards with the best and lowest interest rates available on the market.
If you are simply sick and tired of having bad credit and need some help getting it fixed, please contact us immediately. Legal Rights Advocates, Inc. is a consumer advocate law firm that focuses on consumer rights protection services across the Unites States. We have well over twenty-five (25) years of combined experience helping consumers that are experiencing Debt Collector Harassment, Social Security Disability issues, and a whole lot more. LRA is truly your consumer rights advocate. We take great pride in the fact that our job is to protect you from deceptive and or abusive debt collection practices.
LRA is an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau, and we have well over 500 Five Star Rating Reviews online from across the United States. Our goal is to assist you each and every step of the way regarding your rights for consumer protection. Please call us today for more information at 855-254-7841 or click here to visit our website. We look forward to working with you.