Working Remotely Is Quickly Coming To An End

If you have been working remotely from home since the Covid pandemic started than you’re certainly not alone. Millions of people have been working from home over the past year plus. In fact, a significant portion of the workforce has been forced to work remotely due to Covid. Most workers have become used to it and have started to appreciate the benefits of working from home. However, working remotely from home is staring to come to close and the proverbial end is near. This is due to the fact that the Covid pandemic is slowing down to the point that things are starting to get back to normal.

While that’s a great thing for people in general, it’s not good for remote workers who would like to continue working from home. There are a great deal of benefits and freedoms to working remotely when compared to working in an office, factory, plant, warehouse, or other type of business related facility. In many cases, working remotely from home has made employees more productive. They don’t need to spend valuable time and energy commuting back and forth to work. In addition, employees don’t feel like someone is constantly looking over their shoulder.

On the other hand, many employees have taken advantage of working remotely from home and their production levels have dropped. Perhaps that is why nearly 85% of business leaders want their employees back in the workplace instead of working from home according to a recent study conducted by The Best Practice Institute. However, only 10% of the workforce would rather come back to the workplace instead of working remotely from home according to the same study. This significant discrepancy is sure to cause issues between management and employees, and the fallout could end up being significant.

It may even change the way we conduct business as an economy moving forward. In essence, employees will quickly resent their bosses for making them go back to the workplace. This will hold especially true when it begins to interfere with the life that they have become accustomed to since they started working remotely from home. For example, workers will start to feel anger and bitterness when the morning alarm starts going off 1.5 hours earlier and or they miss their child’s extra curricular events because they’re stuck in traffic after work.

The bottom line is that management and employees must come to a reasonable agreement in order for both sides to be relatively happy with the situation. Good leaders realize that they must make compromises in order to keep their employees happy to the point that they will continue to work hard for the organization. Reasonable employees also realize that they must make compromises in order to keep their bosses happy, which in essence means they will be able to keep their jobs. At this point you may be wondering why Your Legal Rights Advocates is publishing an article that centers on working remotely from home.

The reason is simple. We are here to educate people on multiple topics. We are also aware of the fact that you’re interested in the economy and the things that affect the economy. Jobs are certainly at the top of the list of things that affect the economy. Your job or lack there of a job is also something that affects your personal and household finances. We realize that times are incredibly difficult for many people across the country. While some people are concerned with continuing to work remotely from home instead of going back to the office or workplace other people are concerned with having enough money this week to feed their family.

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re worried about feeding your family or paying the bills you may also be experiencing debt harassment. So what exactly is debt harassment?  If you owe a current debt or a past due debt and a debt collector calls and harasses you it is considered to be a case of debt harassment. The bottom line is that when any debt collector contacts you in an attempt to collect a debt that you owe they must treat you with both dignity and respect. That means they are not allowed to threaten you in any manner whatsoever.

The debt collector cannot tell you that they will have you arrested if you fail to pay the debt. If they do, they’re not only lying, they are also committing debt harassment.

If you need help with debt harassment, please contact your Legal Rights Advocates today. We are a legal rights based law firm that fights for the rights of our clients. We feel your pain and sympathize with your situation. Allow us to give you the helping hand that you need.

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