Is my prenuptial agreement enforceable?

Prenuptial Agreements, also known as “antenuptial agreements” or “premarital agreements,” are contracts made by the parties prior to and in contemplation of marriage. They are agreements made before marriage, usually

Can my marriage be annulled?

An annulment is a judicial proceeding proclaiming retroactively invalidating a marriage to the date of its formation. Basically, the court issues an order stating that there never was a marriage and terminates

Divorce Lawyer - Family Lawyer

Who gets the house in a divorce?

  • 12-07-2018

In Massachusetts, when a couple files for divorce, they must decide how to divide their property. If a dispute arises over such division, the court will determine the split. Property

Divorce Lawyer - Family Lawyer

Parenting Time: Massachusetts

  • 12-03-2018

Parenting Time, or commonly known as visitation, is the time a non-custodial parent spends with their child(ren) after the parents separate and is governed by Massachusetts General Law Chapter 209

Personal Injury Lawyer

ALIMONY: Massachusetts

  • 12-03-2018

Alimony, also referred to as spousal support, is money one spouse is court ordered to give the other spouse for a period of time, following a divorce. There are four

The federal judiciary of the United States

Rape: Massachusetts

  • 12-03-2018

The crime of rape is governed by Massachusetts General Law Chapter 265 Section 22 and generally refers to sexual intercourse, by threat or force, without consent. Rape differs from sexual

Parenting Time: Massachusetts

Parenting Time, or commonly known as visitation, is the time a non-custodial parent spends with their child(ren) after the parents separate and is governed by Massachusetts General Law Chapter 209 section