Debt Collection Harassment Attorney

Debt collection practices should not result in harassment; if you or somebody you know is experiencing it, you may be eligible to file for protection. There are laws protecting consumers, such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), that outline the steps that can be taken against consumers who fail to repay loans. Together with several other laws, these steps detail actions including the different ways in which debtors can be contacted by debt collectors. Professionals such as attorneys conversant with debt harassment laws, settlement practices and criminal charges are aware of the action that can be taken and remedies applicable.

Calling the non-debtors or family members of the debtor, intimidating them in any form, etc. are activities that are not legal; these are considered violations. Many consumers are unaware that these violations can attract monetary penalties as well. The FDCPA has several monetary remedies for damages such as physical distress, emotional distress, wage garnishment, etc. and a recovery of up to $1000 for statutory damages for harassment caused by debt collectors.

A quick checklist to determine debt harassment from debt collectors:

The following behaviors from debt collectors can classify as harassment and qualifies for legal action:

  • Getting calls from debt collectors from automated equipment
  • Receiving calls despite you instructing them not to call you
  • Receiving calls several times a week
  • Receiving calls before 8:00 a.m. and after 9:00 p.m.
  • Receiving calls at your workplace
  • Using abusive language; threatening to harm you or sue you and telling you that you have committed a crime
  • Informing others/talking to others about your debt, for example someone at your workplace
  • Not being informed of your right to dispute the debt
  • Not getting a letter within five days of the first collection phone call

If you or a loved one are facing harassment on the grounds of overdue debt, we strongly suggest you contact us today and get in touch with one of our attorneys who understand debt collection law. Call us at 888-656-7675.


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