
Consumer Rights in Illinois

We Can Help Stop Debt Harassment

Did you know that as a consumer, when you owe a company money, you still have very specific rights? Many people suffer from abusive and manipulative methods by collection agencies because they are unaware of their consumer rights. At Legal Rights Advocates, PLLC, we provide you with services to protect those rights. If you have been abused by a debt collector, you may be able to file a suit against them for damages. We may be able to help you with harassment from collection agencies for credit card debt, medical bills, and student loans.

You may be eligible if debt collectors have ever:

  • Asked you to pay special expenses or extra fees
  • Called consistently or excessively
  • Asked you to pay more money than you already owe
  • Used obscene or abusive language

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today by calling (855) 254-7841 so we can provide you with more information!

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