For most people, finances are a stressful topic. Some people do not earn enough money to make ends meet. Other people do not earn enough money to live the lifestyle that they either are accustomed to, or think that they deserve. There are also people that are just plain old irresponsible with their finances because they either don’t know better or are simply overwhelmed. Often times, people that fall into any of these categories end up making late payments on their debt, and miss payments altogether. Past due payments tend to pile up quickly.
Before you know it you are way behind on paying the debt. At that point it doesn’t take long for your creditor to send the account to a professional debt collector such as a collection agency, and that’s where things can take a turn for the worse in your life. The debt collector may start to call you multiple times per day. They may also start to text message and or email you multiple times per day as well. When you do pick up the phone the debt collector may not treat you with the respect that you deserve. He or she may start yelling at you.
The debt collector may swear at you, or make a bunch of threats. Although they can’t actually follow through on most of these threats, you may not know that at the time you are speaking with them. For example, a debt collector may threaten to arrest you or have you arrested. They may threaten to publish your name in the paper or call you out as a deadbeat on social media. The truth of the matter is that they can’t do any of those things. You have consumer rights that are backed by the federal government. Debt collectors may also start to fill up your mailbox with threatening letters. They are not allowed to do this either.
Some debt collectors will even resort to calling, texting, or emailing your family and friends in order to flush you out. They are not allowed to share any information about your debts, including how much money you owe, who you owe the money to, and the fact that you even owe the money in the first place. Everyone has a right to live his or her life with as much peace as possible. Life is stressful enough between work, family, and friends. You certainly don’t need the added stress of being harassed by a debt collector.
If you feel that you are being treated unfairly by a creditor or collection agency, please contact us immediately. Legal Rights Advocates, Inc. is a consumer advocate law firm that focuses on consumer rights protection services across the Unites States. We have well over twenty-five (25) years of combined experience helping consumers that are experiencing Debt Collector Harassment, Social Security Disability issues, and a whole lot more. LRA is truly your consumer rights advocate. We take great pride in the fact that our job is to protect you from deceptive and or abusive debt collection practices.
LRA is an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau, and we have well over 500 Five Star Rating Reviews online from across the United States. Our goal is to assist you each and every step of the way regarding your rights for consumer protection. Please call us today for more information at 855-254-7841 or click here to visit our website. We look forward to working with you.