Receiving Harassing Calls From 623-633-7145?

If you are being bombarded with phone calls from Midland Credit Management, calling from phone number 623-633-7145, it is important to know your rights and take action to stop the harassment.

First and foremost, it is crucial to understand that as a consumer, you have the right to stop debt collectors from calling you. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law that protects consumers from harassment by debt collectors. The law outlines specific guidelines that debt collectors must follow when attempting to collect a debt, and it provides consumers with a number of rights.

One of these rights is the right to request that debt collectors stop calling you. If you receive multiple phone calls from Midland Credit Management, calling from phone number 623-633-7145, and you want the calls to stop, you have the right to request that they do so. You can make this request verbally or in writing, and once you have made the request, the debt collector must stop calling you, with a few exceptions.

It is important to note that simply telling the debt collector to stop calling you does not make the debt go away. You still owe the debt, and the debt collector may pursue other legal avenues to collect it. However, they are no longer allowed to call you to discuss the debt, except to confirm that they have received your request to stop calling.

If you continue to receive phone calls from Midland Credit Management, calling from phone number 623-633-7145, after requesting that they stop, it is important to take action. You can file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). These agencies have the power to investigate complaints of debt collection harassment and take legal action against debt collectors who violate the law.

In addition to the federal protections offered by the FDCPA, many states have their own laws governing debt collection practices. These laws may provide additional protections for consumers, such as limiting the number of phone calls that debt collectors can make or prohibiting certain types of harassment.

If you are being harassed by debt collectors from Midland Credit Management, calling from phone number 623-633-7145, it is important to know your rights and take action to stop the harassment. You have the right to request that debt collectors stop calling you, and if they continue to harass you, you can file a complaint with the appropriate agencies. Remember, you do not have to tolerate harassment from debt collectors – know your rights and take action to protect yourself.

Other Possible Midland Credit Management Phone Numbers

Some of the phone numbers that Midland Credit Management may use include:

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